Grassroot Support Services Company Limited (GSS Consulting) is a Tanzania women owned Consulting Firm registered in August 2017 with registration certificate number 137350. The company has a business licence No. B 2757281 and a Tax Identification No 135-657-506. The objective of the company is provision of high quality agriculture policy advisory and business managerial solutions to both the public and private sector. The focus is on the solutions for the development of small and medium size business enterprises in the agricultural value chains in Tanzania cognizant of the ongoing developments in economic integration of the East Africa sub region and the Africa region at large.
GSS Consulting vision is to become a regionally reputable agri-business management and policy advisory services consulting firm in Tanzania serving to resolve Small and Medium Size enterprise developmental challenges in the areas related to agricultural finance and agricultural marketing, trade and agricultural/agro industrial development and Business Management. Its mission is to contribute towards eradicating poverty and improving the socio-economic conditions of the people in Tanzania, East Africa and Africa Region at large.
GrassrootSupport services has four core values it embraces that defines its business image and brand. These are: Diligence, Respect, Teamwork and Value for Money.
GrassrootSupport Services Company Limited has a capable team of experienced and multidisciplinary consultants and associates. The two directors of the company have had more than 25 years of experience in the development landscape of Tanzania. Consequently, the Directors have the vision, passion, knowledge and skills that are needed to contribute to socio-economic development for poverty reduction in Tanzania. Its directors and consultants bring together over 30 years of consulting experience. This knowledge and experience in consulting is drawn from the private for- profit business sector and private for non- profit civil society sector as well as from the public sectors from both multilaterals bilateral development agencies as well as from Ministries and Agencies of the Government in Tanzania. GrassrootSupport Services offers both consulting and advisory services on agri- business management and development policy issues. The firm focuses on the private sector with emphasis on development of agri-business, agricultural trade, agricultural finance for small medium enterprise and general management.
The company’s outreach constitutes carefully selected network of consultants and associate consultant in major parts of the country namely Mwanza Dodoma, Morogoro, Lindi and Mtwara Iringa Mbeya including Zanzibar and Pemba. The company has offices in Arusha and Dar-es-salaam that uses state of the art information technology and qualified and competent staff that provides management support for timely delivery of its assignment.
Grassroot Support Services has two-pronged approach to providing solutions to its clients’ challenges. The first is through applying a participatory problem analysis and diagnosis process to identify the underlying cause of the problem and develop solutions that meet the specific needs of the client. Grass root Support Services Limited applies both global and local expertise and experience and knowledge to derive at solutions that meets the needs of our clientele. Our innovative solutions are sustainable ensuring that our clients address and achieve the three bottom line People Planet and Profits. The company second approach is provision of cost effective locally appropriate technical management and policy solutions for development of small and medium enterprises in agriculture value chain. These are solutions that build business managerial capacity and create conducive policy environment, for development and growth of agribusinesses in Tanzania the sub region and the overall Africa region’s economy at large